Biographical statement
I am a poet, scholar, fiber artist, watercolor sketcher, and aspiring naturalist. I find poems in the Oklahoma prairies, New Mexico deserts, Oregon seashores, and inner landscapes. Previously, I have worked in finance and, more recently, as a higher education administrator and college faculty member in the Humanities. My academic research and previous publications focus on the language, history, and culture of the ancient world.
Pencil sketch by Margaret Lee
B.A. History, Seattle University, Seattle, WA
M. Div., Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa, OK
Th.D., Melbourne College of Divinity, Melbourne, Australia

Tulsa NightWriters

Oklahoma Writers Federation, Inc.

Academy of American Poets

SOMOS (Society of the Muse of the Southwest)

Society of Biblical Literature

Westar Institute

Tulsa Handspinners Guild